WARNING: This program scrambles your credit card number to protect it from casual inspection but it is in no way secure. Email, FAX and Snail-mail can all be intercepted and you should be aware of this before sending the form.
Without an email address nor the request for a receipt, you will not be notified that your payment was received (except possibly on your bank statement). ItΓÇÖs OK with us but you need to be aware of this.
Your address did not change or is blank. Your address is required to send you the bill, receipt or program.
If you intend to print this copy out and send it to us, please print or save it from within the program since that will include barcodes which makes it easier for us to process your form. Thanks!
Your address did not change or is blank. Your address is required to send you the receipt or program.
If you intend to print this copy out and send it to us, please print or save it from within the program since that will include barcodes which makes it easier for us to process your form. There is no problem if you are going to Email it to us. Thanks!
Your name ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥ did not change or is blank.
Your Email address ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥ did not change. Your Email address is the only way we can contact you.
Your expiry ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥ appears to have already passed. Are you sure it is valid?
Your credit card number ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥ doesnΓÇÖt appear to be a valid number or is not of the chosen type. Maybe you entered the number incorrectly?
Your credit card number ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥ is all zeros. Are you sure it is valid?
Your Card Name is blank. This field should be the name that appears on the credit card.
You NetCash token/First Virtual ID is blank.
Your expiry ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥ doesnΓÇÖt look right (it should be something like 01/95). Are you sure it is valid?
Your credit card number ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥ doesnΓÇÖt have between 13 and 16 digits. Are you sure it is valid?
You are paying US$^1.00. Are you sure this is what you want?
Your Email address ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥ does not contain either an @ or an !. Your Email address is the only way we can contact you. Are you sure it is valid?
You are requesting more than one world-wide license for ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥. This is really strange. Are you sure this is what you want?
You are requesting more than one site license for ΓÇ£^1ΓÇ¥, are you sure this is what you want?